Christian Ed 10 11
So we see in the OT. that the Jewish people have many laws to follow.  One of them is the yearly feast they must have.  The one I would like to blog about is from yesterday.  "The Day of Attonment"  and what you think it mean to you as a Christian or if you were a Christian.  This Day is set aside each year for God's people to refect on the past year and atone for the bad things they did.  This is one of the Divine Appointments set aside for God and His people.  So Do you feel this should still be done today?  Say that you did do this what would be some things you may have done that you would like to take back or be forgiven for? 
Emir perez
9/29/2009 10:01:44 am

some of the thing i would like to be forgiven for is being disrespectful and lawless (if u know what I mean). wouldn't want to take back nothing because i don't live my life full of regrets and if i was to take back some thing it would be for speaking my mind.

9/29/2009 10:22:50 am

I don't know what the day of atonment means to me. Yes I feel this should be done today. Uuh like Emir said by being disrespectful and stop hating people. If don't really have much to say and I'm kinda blank but everybody should have something that they will like to take back.

9/29/2009 11:21:26 am

I dont think i have any ting that i wood lick to tack back . It is dun and gone . I wish i did not do sum tings that i did but i will never tack it back . No one is perfect .

9/29/2009 11:58:02 am

If i could take back any thing it would be me hurting the people that care for me and love me. And also take back me swearing, gossiping and the list goes on

9/29/2009 01:15:50 pm

hmm......What are the things that I wish to take back if I have the chance? Well, here it is: I wish I could take back that whatever I did and hurt those whoever loves and care about me so much, the things that I did since I was 11, the things I said that hurted people,.....etc. It's almost like everything in my life I wish I could take it back and re-do it! But hey! I'm not perfect, and no one is perfect. So just continue to pray and read Bible and follow God's rules(I think....)!

9/29/2009 01:25:13 pm


9/29/2009 01:40:08 pm

i would take back not treating my parents as good as they are suppose to be treated and i would do more for them. i do that now but i wish i could of started sooner. i would not take back much stuff though because if i had not gone through those thongs i would not have learned or know how to deal or handle the situations that come my way.

9/29/2009 11:02:17 pm

Well i do feel it should be done today.....It is important for us to reflect on what we have done not necessarily once year
but every day. If we know we have done something wrong we should repent and ask God for forgiveness....I would
take back all the unkind things i have said to people. I know it hurts them and when it comes out of my mouth no matter
how much i say sorry i cant take it ya...=D

Julie Park
9/29/2009 11:04:05 pm

The day of atonement as a christian means the day we ask for forgiveness for all our sins. In old days, they had a specific day that they can ask for forgiveness unlike today. Today, we can ask for forgiveness any time. I don't think that the day of atonement is as necessary today, but it may be used as a day you really repent to God. Well, I will ask for forgiveness for disrespecting my parents, the sins I always make, and not finding God as often as I should.

WiNi. H >///<
9/30/2009 10:23:36 am

i would take back every mean thing that i did and said. because sometimes i say or do things without thinking. i think everyone has something they would like to take back, and i'm one of those people!

9/30/2009 10:29:17 am

when i hear the word atonement i think of repentance. i think of the things i have done and said, wanting to take them back but at the same time those are the same things that made me who i am today. a fun-loving person with good freinds and good family,school,e.t.c. sure i have said some mean things in the past and will in the future but that is one of the flaws that make me imperfect and human. nobody's perfect including me. i will always love people and like everyone else do and make wrong decisions but think about it. that is how God made me.and i love it.

9/30/2009 11:55:19 am

i personally think that we shouldnt do it anymore. why should we reflect in the past when God has already forgiven us. It even says in the Bible to not dwell in the past. so i think that of God forgave us once and for all then we shouldnt dwell on it any longer. there are a lot of things i would like to change in my life. some of them are personal but i also would like to change some of the hurtful words that i have said to people.

9/30/2009 12:02:21 pm

I do think it is an important day and should be done because it is cleansing of sins. I would ask for forgiveness for disrespectfulness.

9/30/2009 12:42:11 pm

It wouldn't be a holiday i would personally celebrate so no. I would ask for forgiveness for laziness.

Hannah p..
10/3/2009 12:51:25 pm

well we need to ask god for forgiveness everyday and the bible says that jesus already forgave us of all our sins wen he died on the cross. and well the stuff i would like to take back is kinda private but mostly i wana take back all the wrong i have done to people and i would like if my mom could forget about all of that so that she would trust me more! and well i also would like if i could forget about what others have done to me so that i could trust them as well.... and well i kinda wish that i could take back gossiping cuz man is that a bad habit... but mostly i would like to take back all sin!

10/4/2009 07:00:37 am

I do belive that this should be done today by those who want to. IN otherw ords f you strongly belive in refelction and consideration of your conscious, then you should absolutely go ahead and do this. Make it a choice and not a have to. Thsi refelction works as a personal sacrific to ask God for forgivenss. Even tho the Bible says that we have been forgiven, we constantly and daily keep sinning, which all explains the necessity of Judgement Day. If i would hav eto take back anything, it would definately be the disrespect i hold towards my parents on a daily basis.

10/4/2009 07:19:15 am

Well i do feel it should be done today...its very important. And things i would take back if i had a chance would be.. all the unkind things i have said to people, and not respecting my guardians as they are supposed to. But i know i can't take them back.. Like most people say.. No body is perfect.

10/4/2009 07:22:44 am

Yes, I feel that it should keep on going, msot people have something to take back or be forgiven for.

10/6/2009 12:11:34 pm

I would take back the hurtful things i say to my parents when im mad becuase it really does hurt and i wish i can just take it all back

10/23/2009 03:23:22 am

of course there are things that i regret, i am human and i make mistakes. i would take back the horrible things that i have tell my parents and my perspective of who i am.

10/27/2009 11:01:11 am

yes i think that this day should stay, and i would like to take back every mean thing and thought

- Heidi Tseng -
11/9/2009 08:07:00 am

I would take back everything, because i feel i didn't preparation everything.
I think everyone has something they would like to take back!!

11/12/2009 11:10:34 am

I think I would take back all hurt. because i hurt a lot of people's heart, but I don't know how can I do can let all hurt move from them.

12/12/2009 11:22:27 pm

I wood want GOD to just forgive me for evety thing i have done in my past years and let me just for get every thing

janel pelayo
12/29/2009 10:59:10 am

I just want good to forgive me of all the things i have don rong

1/5/2010 07:38:35 am

For a christian atonement means that we ask for repent for our sins...... and yes i think it should keep on going because we as human we are not perfect, we say things that hurt others or do things that we regret doing sometimes.


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    I am Mr. Morrow - or better known as Coach D.  I am your facilitator for this class.  My goal is that, through this class, you understand who you are in God's eyes...who He created....what your purposes are and what hinderances might be there lurking to keep you from becoming all you were created to be.  
    We will have fun.  You will be challenged to think a little differently than you might have been trained to think.
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