Christian Ed 10 11
During the start of the Wed. nights series titled Roman Nights it talked about the writer of this book.  For whom was the book written and why was it written.  I would also like to get your understanding of the book of Romans well at least the first chapter.  Remember it is due by Thursday Morning at 8:30am. 
So far over the course of this video series we have talked about the truth of many things.  We have heard from many people of many walks of life.  I want to know what is it that you worship so to speak or devote much of you time to in your life at this time.  I would also like to know why you have chosen this and what it will bring to you as a return of investment.  With this year coming to a close be honest and open.  Earn your 10 pionts.
OK this is an interesting topic and I want you to put some thought to it.  As seen on the video "What is Evil?"  I know it will be different for each of you so I ask you to really use your own thought to come up with a response that is from you not just adding to somebody else's reply.  Remember it is due by 8:30am on the 27th of may. 
So we have been spending time all year talking around the issue of you.  Kinda tip toeing through the tulips so to speak.  Well now is the time where the rubber meets the road and I ask you the hard questions.  Like this one to start with, "Are you a Christian?".  Next I ask those who say they are, "What things in your life are holding you back from really walking more closely with God?".  For those of you not in the category of Christian I ask you,"What is holding you back?".  I know when I ask you this most of you don't want to respond out of fear or as a way to keep what you think is fun hidden from others.  I challenge you to be open on here and let the cat out of the bag so to speak and move past the fear into a new place of healing and growth.  We all start from a place that we feel is worse then any of us can understand, but it is a lie we all go through things and we want to hide then in shame of we just don't know.  Saying that I ask you to respond to this blog in honesty....  
After watching Carl Sagan talk about the Cosmos how do you feel about what he said?  Explain what you think he ment by "The Cosmos is all there is, or ever will be" .  Oh and give me more then a one line response too.
OK now that we have begun to take our tours on the truth project I would like to know what you think you know from the first tour.  What is the cosmic battle?  Why did Jesus come?  What choices do we have a a race of people?  Why do we Tend to choose one truth over the other and which do you at this point think is right?  Lastly of the people seen in the video pick one and explain the piont of the person.
Some of you are still trying to understand faith and how it applies to you.  Well that can be difficult to answer in fact so many books have been written on it that this blog could go on for many years to come.  Fun how we can get so lost in so little a thing as this.  The real thing I need to ask you is how can I help you have blessing in this life and the next, and how can I help your faith grow.  Now remember I cannot help people who don't want it, or don't want to work for it. So what kind of person or you and tell me why should I spend my helping you and do you really want it? 
   Some of you will try to make a joke of this but a few of you will get it.  Many of you are Christians but seek a deeper understanding of God while others just don't want to belive for many differant reasons.  In the end the choice always will be yours so do what you want.  Just don't let the rapture pass you by because your on the wrong path.  Don't let your blessing here on earth and in heaven be cursed by  what you did not do.  God loves you even if you don't deserve it
Ok so you have seen part of the show and some of you have even read the book. Now I want you to tell me in your own words a little bit about the person who wrote the book.  What I mean is (Don't just give me fats and dates) but I want you to tell me about the man. What makes him in your opinion write what wrote and what he was like as a man.  The way you will be graded on this is how much time you spend detailing the man.  So don't just fake your way through this as I will know.  Good Luck Oh and now is the time to impress me with you great writing skills.  So get someone you trust to look over what you write before you post it.
Coach D
Ok I want to know what you really think the book of John is about and who wrote it.  I will also need to know when it was written.
First I would like to wish all of you a Merry Christmas as you enjoy this time with family and friends.  Now I would like you to take some time and tell what this time of the year means to you.  For those who don't really celebrate the birth of Christ for some reason or another please still add to the blog what you do spend time doing for the Christian Holiday that we are having now.  To be clear we as Christians do understand that Jesus was not really born on the 25th of December.  We do however chose this time to rejoice his coming.  OK now just to make sure you know what your doing.  Please put what you do to enjoy this time of the year.  Take time and put some thought into it before you type.  Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. 

    "Coach D"

    I am Mr. Morrow - or better known as Coach D.  I am your facilitator for this class.  My goal is that, through this class, you understand who you are in God's eyes...who He created....what your purposes are and what hinderances might be there lurking to keep you from becoming all you were created to be.  
    We will have fun.  You will be challenged to think a little differently than you might have been trained to think.
    But, all in all, let's totally agree to keep an open mind!


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