Christian Ed 10 11
Please tell me your thoughts on this video.
Brad Bowman
9/14/2009 11:20:26 am

This is why I like being in a Christian school. We are taught the correct story from we are young. This will give us the correct mentality from we are young.While we may not have any scientific proof for the biblical account of creation, the faith that we develop as young children and carry on into adult life, solidifies in our minds that life came from a higher power.

9/14/2009 11:34:28 am

I don't know what to really say about this video about evolution. We shouldn't believe everything that people say,not everything is true. Different people have different perspective about something,so everyone will have a different opinion about something. I didn't really understand the beginning of the video but as the man interviewed Ray comfort, I understand it more. Like Brad said, we come to a Christian school to learn the truth about evolution.

9/14/2009 11:44:12 am

I also belive that evolution came through God, as they say in the video before there was nothing and after God made the Creation (now) theearth is how it is. In a Christian school they tech the biblical version of creation which i belive it´s right.

9/14/2009 11:52:38 am

I believe that evolution came through God no matter what anyone says. no interview would change my mind on something that i have learnt about all my life too be true. the only thing that would change my mind if my after-life. when i dike where i go will prove evolution. but until then, i believe what i have learnt since i was as little as i can remember

9/14/2009 12:03:02 pm

I personally think this is yacked out. to think people tell us that we have no proof to support the Bible. while they talk about us coming from apes and fish. their theory can in no way be proven. its so ridiculous. its just a little weird that the christians are the ones looked upon as the crazy people. while there are other people who don't even know their facts. atleast we have most of the answers to the creation process. while they on the other hand have no idea how we came about. if they want people to start believing them they should atleast get their story straight.
as the ray said everything must have a creator. there is not on thing on this earth that was not created by a creator.

Alina =D
9/14/2009 12:19:21 pm

9/14/2009 12:27:21 pm

ok....that was one of the coolest and truest videos i have ever seen. It made so much sense and i dont know how ive never seen it before. That guy should come speak at BCA (he sounded like eli's dad in the beginning)...anyways....Like i was all made sense. We are all sinners and there is no possible way everything came from nothing. There has to be a higher power (and there is!!) God created the world and us as BCA students learn that (like Brad said) from a very young age and thanks to this video and
Mr. Coach D we can share what we have learned with the world and all the atheists out there and God willing we Can 'pull the plug on it'. We dont have to force it down their throats but we have to show them that is common sense and they need to be saved. Everyone can be saved and we have to show the world that..=D

WiNi. H o(^_^)o
9/14/2009 01:03:54 pm

like the author said, to have things made, you've got to have a maker. like you can't have a building without a builder. that is so true!! everything is made by a creator.

one question, Coach D.
why God wouldn't destroy Satan if he is so powerful?

Nairy Euceda *_*
9/14/2009 02:50:56 pm

I also believe that evolution came through God. And there is no possible way everything came from nothing.There has to be a creator.. We didn't just came from nothing.. Like Winnie said..If there is a building there has to be a builder.. i hadn't seen this video before either..~~wow~~.. this video makes sense!!..Thanks Couch D!! ^_^

..::''DeLaNeY bAnMaN''::..
9/15/2009 10:54:41 am

Well hmm I dont exactly know what to answer here but I can't neccesarily believe in evolution. I know that it might be easier to just believe that God made evolution, but I don't think thats how we came to be. I think that God did create evolution but we weren't formed that way. I believe that God made Adam and Eve an we just descenced from them. And it does confuse me when the Bible says God created Adam an Eve but how do you explain the evidence they find of half humans and monkeys. Well I think that God created this new creation as everything else for us. But I think that He created it so that we would still believe into only Him an the Bible. In the Bible it does say to trust in God no matter what so I think God put this as a test for us. That we should believe in Him no matter what is there to try turning us away from trusting.
Oh well this is what I think...but this video is cool..He is so right.

9/15/2009 12:57:11 pm

I totally agree with this guy, aithiests know there is a God but they just don't want to admit that they are wrong. i think that all those high evolutionist professors know that there is a GOd, i mean seriously if they are smart enough to come up with all of these stories im sure that they know that there is a God who created everything. if we were created by nothing then man do i feel like crap. if God didn't make us who did? there is a creator for everything and that is God. i believe that God created everything but over time. between every DAY it was at least a couple thousand years. on the first day God created light and on the second day he created water and after day one a couple thousand years and then day 2. i think that eventually all the evolutionists will admit that they were wrong this whole time. and all those believers in evolution just want an excuse to please their flesh and not have to answer to any God. when it comes to the judgment day everyone will see the truth and what really happened. God put a desire in every person so serve a higher being, i wonder how all those people can believe in all those stories, seriously i think that evolution is a bunch of stories that are thought over a great deal, but each one of these stories have a glitch in them, but Gods stories(the Bible) are fact for fact true and totally accurate, there is no way that all these different people could have written the Bible without having a editor, which would be God. God is the creator of everything!!!!!!!!!

Coach D
9/17/2009 08:07:27 am

In response to the thought on illeged Half monkey half human remains called Lusy. They have already proved the bones where not all from the same boday or the same place. I hope this helps. Oh and food for thought according to the theory of Evolutoin when something evolves the that which it has evolved from cesses to exist. This being the case haw can we still have monkey if we evoloved from them?

9/17/2009 02:40:17 pm

Monkeys are here because they were created by God. Just like humans were created by God.

10/23/2009 03:32:41 am

all he said was so truth. i loved the way he transmitted the message. and as alina said he should come to b.c.a to preach.

10/28/2009 10:17:23 am

i don't really know what to say about the video, but i do know the real story.

- Heidi Tseng -
11/9/2009 07:44:28 am

This video talk a lot of things about evolution, GOD, and Bible. I have trying to understand. He talking about some of people believed GOD and don't believed evolution but some of people believed evolution and don't believed GOD.
who created us?? Bible said GOD created us.
whatever who created us, I believed GOD!!


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    "Coach D"

    I am Mr. Morrow - or better known as Coach D.  I am your facilitator for this class.  My goal is that, through this class, you understand who you are in God's eyes...who He created....what your purposes are and what hinderances might be there lurking to keep you from becoming all you were created to be.  
    We will have fun.  You will be challenged to think a little differently than you might have been trained to think.
    But, all in all, let's totally agree to keep an open mind!


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